End-to-End Solutions for All Your Packaging Needs


Superior Quality with a Personalized Approach

Our expert team leverages their deep knowledge of innovative products, value engineering, and production techniques to create packaging that showcases your unique brand.

  • Concept development
  • Structural and value engineering
  • 3D packaging renderings and prototyping
  • Brand management and protection
  • Custom packaging solutions
  • Responsible sourcing
  • Material development
  • Design and product optimization
  • Color management
  • Quality assurance manufacturing
  • Packaging performance control
  • Product certification testing

Your Trusted Resource for Every Packaging Need

For over 15 years, we’ve been producing innovative, sustainable, and memorable products for the world’s leading luxury brands.


Trustworthy Full-Service Management

Our global network enables the efficient integration of manufacturers, transportation providers, and warehouses that can scale to meet your evolving needs. Our strategic approach transforms the supply chain planning to help optimize your business goals.

Barcelona Barcelone Barcellona Danville High Point New York City Ho Chi Minh Hong Kong Shanghai Rotterdam Paris Lyon Milan Shanghai Lione Milano Danville High Point New York City Rotterdam Ho Chi Minh Hong Kong Parigi Danville High Point New York City Rotterdam Hô Chi Minh Hong Kong Paris Shanghai Lyon Milan Singapore Singapore Singapour Danville Toronto Los Angeles Manchester Florence New Delhi Dayton Venlo Qingdao Incheon Tokyo Dubai Ho Chi Minh Hong Kong Paris Danville Toronto Los Angeles Manchester Firenze Nuova Delhi Dayton Venlo Qingdao Incheon Tokyo Dubai Ho Chi Minh Hong Kong Parigi Danville Toronto Los Angeles Manchester Florence New Delhi Dayton Venlo Qingdao Incheon Tokyo Dubaï Hô Chi Minh Hong Kong Paris Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento
OFFICES UFFICI NOS BUREAUX Servizi personalizzati forniti da 12 uffici distribuiti in tutto il mondo L’ensemble de nos équipes stratégiquement implantées dans le monde vous proposent des solutions globales performantes Delivering results-driven services from 12 offices around the world CENTRI DI DITRIBUZIONE DISTRIBUTION CENTERS CENTRES DE DISTRIBUTION Optimizing inventory management through 16 locations in 12 countries Gestione dell’inventario ottimizzata da 16 sedi in 12 paesi Une gestion optimisée des stocks grâce à nos 16 sites implantés dans 12 pays PRODUCTION SEDI PRODUTTIVE SITES DE PRODUCTION Nous produisons en collaboration avec nos partenaires situées sur 3 continents stratégiques Sourcing and producing with partners on 3 continents GLOBAL SHIPPING SEDI LOGISTICHE CENTRES D’EXPÉDITION Distributing products to over 70 countries across the globe

A Truly Global Presence

With offices on three continents plus a vast network of warehouses and distribution centers, we’re uniquely positioned to manage your packaging and non-merchandise needs from start to finish—no matter the location.

  • Global scalable programs
  • Purchasing and logistics management
  • Business requirement alignment
  • Production optimization
  • Multiple zone-warehouse and distribution centers
  • Flexible, reliable, and sustainable transportation
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Inventory Optimization
  • Global distribution architecture
  • Total cost procurement strategies
  • Category management expertise
  • Material planning and management
  • Supplier onboarding and qualification


Centralized Data for Strategic Decision-Making

Our proprietary operating system, paired with our customer-focused approach, allows us to anticipate your future needs and avoid blind spots. Through the seamless interconnected platform, you can order products, manage inventory levels, and understand qualitative tracking patterns—giving you the complete visibility and transparency you need.

Inventory Optimization

From sourcing to fulfillment, accurate inventory views are key to responsive decision-making. Our proprietary system helps you reduce the financial impact of non-productive inventory and avoid unforeseen interruptions in the supply chain.

Supply Chain Transparency

With industry-leading supply chain visibility, you can anticipate and respond to supply issues and consumer demand, allowing you to deliver a dynamic omnichannel customer experience.


Easily manage data throughout the order lifecycle, gaining in-the-moment visibility into every order, across all channels and geographies.

Act with Agility

With data from the manufacturer, transportation providers, and warehouses all in one place, you’ll have the information you need to optimize your inventory and workflows.

Let’s Collaborate on your Future Programs.

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